The relentless oil price hikes and the severe effects of global warming due to the use of gasoline and diesel cars have become two of the most common reasons why a lot of people are considering owning an electric car.

Many countries in Asia continue to utilize diesel powered cars for the fact that it costs lesser compared to driving a gasoline-powered car. Most Americans use gasoline cars since it allows the car to run more smoothly and maintenance is not as expensive. However, both vehicles emit just about the same amount of hazardous gaseous emissions that degrade the quality of the air every second that we breathe. Harmful gases such as carbon dioxide and monoxide, lead, and other chemicals are freely expelled into the air by these types of cars that are harmful not only to our health but to the environment – the worsening climate change.

With electric cars, people need not worry about contributing to air pollution since they are zero-emission vehicles. Powered by rechargeable batteries, these cars are cost-effective considering the inexorable increase of oil prices. Although electric cars are much more expensive than conventional cars, the cost of electricity to power an electric car is cheaper than oil if it is calculated by the distance that the vehicle has covered. If you buy gas for $50 using a gasoline engine, your money goes a long way with $50-worth of electricity.

The performance of an electric engine is far better than the typical gasoline or diesel engine. The electric car has the propensity to accelerate faster, requires even lesser maintenance than the gasoline car, and runs more smoothly. Best of all, the electric engine hardly produces any sound even when driving – no noise and air pollution at the same time! Most electric cars require a periodical charging of the batteries, usually overnight. This will save you time, money and the inconvenience of having to find the nearest gas station instead of just driving from home straight to your destination.  And since it is using batteries, the electric car has minimal fire risk. The weight of this type of car is much heavier compared to lighter cars, hence the lesser likelihood for the car to cause injuries to its passengers in accidents.

The source of energy for electric cars may range from solar, hydroelectric, and geothermal to wind power and others, which is renewable energy. With the use of such energy, this can lead to the reduction of consumption of fossil fuels, which is only finite in quantities. The currently colossal demand in converting fossil fuels to petroleum releases massive amounts of greenhouse gases that slowly and irreversibly destroy the environment. And since most of the oil in the United States is provided by foreign countries, Americans will no longer be enslaved to the fluctuations of oil prices. And since many countries rely on foreign oil providers, our economy is being dictated by these powerful countries because of the power they have over dependent countries. Owning electric cars is a giant step closer to having a greener Earth.